Press Releases
Wiqtcom Inc. is a Finnish organization that has been testing intelligence around the world since 2019. The company believes in transparency and wants to share data that has been collected. The insights into worldwide IQ are intended to encourage the development of intelligence and healthy lifestyles for individuals globally. Below you will find our latest press releases.
Recent Press Releases
JanuaryA free, full-length online IQ test launches to help enhance intelligence with scientifically proven methods
The Finnish IQ testing specialist, Wiqtcom, is pleased to announce the launch of a new IQ test that has been scientifically designed to open up IQ testing and improve the intelligence of people worldwide.
MayJapan Remains One of the Most Intelligent Countries in the World
New data collected by the Finnish enterprise confirms that Japan is still one of the most intelligent countries in the world despite strong competition. The data confirms that the Japanese are very good at solving problems and making decisions.